You may want to make the tip jar a little more conspicuous.

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That would ruin my brand! 😉

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I'm glad you were able to socialize with others in similar straits. Lots of dark humor I'm sure! As for questions, I'm trying to imagine how haywire your mental maps have gone. Your neighborhood streets, they're still intact, right? I'm assuming the zoning will remain residential, but the cost of the lots will probably outstrip your previous landlord's budget. Will Altadena become a really expensive Pacific Palisades-like neighborhood? How are you laying down new "maps?" Like, a carrying case for clothes? Cardboard boxes? Are the guest rooms in far different places, in which case your amenities will be in brand new stores every week? It sounds exhilarating and so lonely. For better or worse, you've vanquished clutter at last (God help you). Hugs.

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The streets are still there. It's just that structures have crumbled. The Wall Street Journal has been doing some great videos about the fires and their aftermath. This one takes place in Altadena and gives you a sense of what things are like, though it's hard to picture what the town was like because without you can see the mountains so easily and it kind of looks like a rural area, which it was not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFWpO-wQQ5s&t=1s

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The claim adjuster said it will take 2 years to break ground again. And even then the company might but insure the neighborhood going forward. It's like watching the middle class vanish. Wow.

Fortunately the landscape itself is so distinctive that it'll be recognizable as Altadena no matter what the new houses look like. But still.

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Thanks for keeping us informed, Meghan. What a nightmare. Sending good vibes your way.

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This really helps me relate to the situations in Israel - on both sides - the Israelis displaced for over a year & half from hostile attacks & collateral damage & the Văzând, Lebanese trying to avoid the military response to their leaders' attacks on civilians (+ nature)

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I'm down in San Diego and last week I was evacuated because the hillside right next to me in Rancho Bernardo was on fire. The first thought as I left was you and what you've been through, and thinking oh gawd, it's my turn now! Fortunately it was contained and I was back home six hours later. You just never know what life will throw you. All I know is that I'm so glad that it's been pissing down with rain for the last few days and I get to kick the can further down the road as this threat is not going away.

Thank you for everything, your sanguine attitude is what I would totally expect from you but is admirable nonetheless!

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Meghan - None of my advice is any good. I sit here in my house trying to imagine it all burning down and getting out with my laptop and a few things and not much more. And even worse, I can't imagine almost all of my entire neighborhood gone, the neighborhood I walk almost every day. (I do not live in a fire-prone area, so the closest disaster I can picture is a very destructive tornado here in Ohio.)

So my advice isn't any good but it seems like it could be a good time to leave California. I'm a proud California native, grew up in San Diego but haven't lived there since '77 and have been unhappy for decades about what has been happening in that state.

This is a profoundly awful situation evolving in southern California that, as you note, is going to spider out and affect many more lives than the ones who are now homeless. I lived in Santa Monica for a short time in the 70s and knew the Palisades and of the fire danger, but I knew nothing about Altadena. That a fire could come down from the mountains and destroy so much of that area is unthinkable and yet it happened. I appreciate your descriptions of Altadena and the beauty and comfort it provided, and how quickly it could be taken away.

Having read and loved your book, "Life would be perfect if I lived in that house", I know you already know how big and beautiful and interesting this country is, I know there's more than one place out there that will work out for you, and maybe it's in California, but it's a big country.

Please do keep writing and podcasting; I'll be following wherever you are.

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Besides people and animals, my thoughts immediately went to the trees, landscaping and gardens, and all of the mature plantings of those Southern California neighborhoods. It's a tragedy to lose that beauty, but beauty will return.

I don't blame you for not wanting to leave--California is the most beautiful state in the country. I'm sorry it happened but glad you have friends and a community who have gone through the same. Nobody can understand unless they have lived it and I am glad you're not alone. Wishing you all the best in finding a place you love.

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Ha, as soon as you said the weight of the batteries I knew it was wrong, but that’s because I work on these sorts of things.

I don’t think you are even close to alone in not understanding the weight of those batteries. This is an important discussion in the engineering department when you are discussing the energy density in a tank of fuel by weight vs an electric car battery. The electric car battery loses. This is a significant part of why the range on an EV can’t really compete with the ~400 mile range on a normal car and less than 10 minutes to fill up again.

Very much appreciate the correction, even though I wasn’t holding it against you to begin with.

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Thanks for another thoughtful dispatch about the scale of the impact of the fires. I never tire of hearing your voice and thoughts!

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Social solidarity is common after disasters (Rebecca Solnit’s book examines some), and that’s great to experience. Your description of a surge in rental prices seems to undermine that—how could landlords exploit victims of disaster? Or is the surge a supply/demand imbalance (too little supply, too much demand)? In either case, it’s ugly and unlikely to be solved soon.

Your description of carrying your new belongings in shopping bags really hit hard. Glad you can put them down now.

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Jan 28Edited

Feed me, Seymour!

Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, can you confirm that you received the tip I left you through YouTube? It was on your first video post fire.

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I'm sure I did but YouTube can make it hard to see. I'll have my tech savvier teammate check tomorrow. Many, many thanks!

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A close friend of mine, Sara Somers, lost her house in the Oakland fire in 1991. In response to the LA fires, she just wrote a post on her Substack about the experience... nothing sugar-coated. It's powerful. https://sarasomers.substack.com/p/surviving-a-california-firestorm

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It sounds like a sad situation when Meghan talks about it, but this just doesn’t hit me in the way that other disasters have. There are these arguments about not having pity for rich people losing one of their three mansions or people who voted for incompetence getting the fire services they deserve, which I think have some purchase, but I also just don’t think that living in this area is sustainable. My mother worked for FEMA for many years, and there are always disasters in California; the earthquakes, the mud slides, and the fires. The San Andreas fault is a perpetual threat. People are always casually joking about California sinking into the ocean.

The Asheville people could reasonably have expected to live where they were indefinitely, perhaps in residences that were passed through generations. I wouldn’t live in California, but if I did I’d have a backup plan.

What I think will be interesting is whether California voters will blame the politicians and actually do a referendum or a recall and change something on that end. But they can’t change nature.

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Megan will you come to Bluesky now! Now that your house burned down, yes. Your name is only mentioned twice and one of them is me!!!

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